MOSI in 2017

Ever since I was 5 I’ve been going to MOSI. Back in my day it was much different, with the second floor having the orange factory, and an entire interactive exhibit about Florida. On the third floor they had exhibits about space and aeronautics. I remember going there and “processing oranges,” and then afterwards watching a natural forest catch fire due to a lightning strike, and then learning about how dirt and sand conserves heat.

Of course, as soon as I return to Tampa, I find out that my childhood museum is closed for renovations and the main building, the one I spent so much time in, is being decommissioned. So I did what any college student would do, and “snuck into” (the gates were open, and employees were there) the facility to take photos of what’s left.


Bioworks Butterfly garden

Historic tree grove

Inside of first floor & cafeteria


2005 map

New building / IMAX dome

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