LEGO Dumpster Fire
Portfolio ItemI had a lot of those light up bricks laying around, and I wanted to get one of those desktop dumpster fire toys, (because life is just like that sometimes), so I thought why not just make my own? The … Read More

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Portfolio ItemBased on the 2005 movie, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, this build has been revised 5 times, and is the most accurate replica of the factory in Minecraft. After having begun work on it four years ago, only in July … Read More

LEGO Nano Train
Portfolio ItemThis was my first time using unofficial LEGO lighting. During the last convention I went to I was very impressed by what others were able to do with these lighting solutions, so I decided to implement it into my nano … Read More
Portfolio ItemI’ve redesigned my SKEE-BALL machine from the ground up. Made using only LEGO parts (and extension cables), this machine features scoring, a plunger launcher, 3 light up targets, and game card reader. The aim of this redesign was to address … Read More

LEGO Pinball Machine
Portfolio ItemI have designed a Lego city themed pinball machine, to be built using only Lego. It will feature a plunger, flippers, multiball, bank with “destructable” door, and lighting. This will be the 4th arcade machine I’ve built. After inventorying the … Read More

LEGO Tower of Tickets
Portfolio ItemDesign Process:

ICB Arcade Game
Portfolio ItemBased on the Ice Cold Beer arcade game, (also called Zeke’s Peak), this game uses 600+ lines of code and features 4 targets, joystick controls, attract mode, music and lighting effects. Design Process:

Destructive Golf
Portfolio ItemBased on a pretend game we would play in grade school, shoot a ball and destroy as much stuff in the room as possible as it ricochets off objects! My high score is 14. Comment yours below!